
Este é um projecto antigo com um novo nome para chegar a novos horizontes.

Mesmo quando tinha uma máquina de rolo 35mm eu já tirava fotografias na esperança de que, um dia, as visse juntas numa paisagem

Hoje em dia a luta constante para melhorar e usar cada vez melhor as ferramentas de hardware e software que temos, mais rápido, com melhor qualidade. Este caminho nunca acaba.

Divirtam-se a ver imagens interactivas e paradas com paisagens, principalmente, de Portugal.

Caso tenham alguma sugestão ou interesse neste trabalho partilhem.

Qualquer comentário construtivo é sempre benvindo

Um abraço,

Rui Pedro

4 comments on “Acerca

  • Trabalho muito bom. Parabéns.
    É uma forma de conhecer novos lugares sem lá estar fisicamente. Site de utilização muito prática e fácil, bem feito, onde o acesso a novos lugares a partir das setas vermelhas está bastante navegável e rápido.
    Boa definição de imagem.
    Vi com mais pormenor o de Manteigas, porque me lembro de andar por lá a pé nos tempos de juventude,e adorei.
    Força nesse projecto, Herr Pedro.

  • I enjoyed your site. I too am a Google Photographer caught in between the changes from the old program to the new setup. I went through the training materials many times, took the quiz and passed at 97%, bought the equipment Google insisted was needed although I have many pro level camera bodies and lenses, did the neutral shoot and got 4 more gigs and was one away from certification. Now find myself with little enthusiasm and lots of equipment. Been shooting architecture for 11 years and a photographer for 4o years. Shooting spheres for 9 years.

    Anyway, not to cry too much. The name of the Google game was and is sales volume. They weren’t getting it in the beta program and now are trying another approach. THEY made no promises to me but only held out a carrot to motivate me. Unfortunately it is only a low quality image they call a badge. Make no mistake…the association with Google is a plus for your business and can provide an additional revenue stream for a business. I see the price of the service we offer going down because many businesses don’t care about quality but do care about being on the Google circuit. Best regards and nice work.

    • Hi patrick, i’m happy you enjoyed it,
      as for google i do not intend to be a hostage, i’ll only give the image quality they want a not more… if someone wants some serious approach to VR visits with hotspots and real3d and descriptions all around, interactivity… thats another issue.
      thank you so much for visiting and writing.

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